Development Environment
Formulize can be run locally using Docker containers. This makes local debugging with XDebug very easy. There are step-by-step instructions for setting up Formulize and Docker in VS Code on Windows.
Here are the relevant files and locations involved in the Docker setup:
- There is a docker-compose.yaml file in the root of the respository.
- There is a Docker folder that contains a Dockerfile, and a php folder with .ini files in it, and a mariadb folder with the database in it
- The URL for accessing the Docker container is http://localhost:8080
The Formulize environment in Docker
Key things to know when running Formulize locally in Docker:
- The trust path is the /trust/ folder in the root of the repository
- The database location is mariadb. The database is not running on localhost
- The database name is formulize
- The database username and password are user and password
Also, if you running Docker in Windows, copy or rename the file: /docker/maraidb/conf.d/ to: /docker/maraidb/conf.d/lower_case_table_names.cnf (ie: remove the .windows part on the end).
You have three choices when running a local installation of Formulize in Docker:
- Run the monastery branch, which skips the installer.
- Make a new branch based on the master branch, and go through the installer.
- Set up a local development version of an existing website.
Running the monastery branch
- Checkout the monastery branch.
- Start the Formulize Docker containers.
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and login with the username admin and the password admin.
- If you want to maintain a remote copy of the repository, consider where you want to push any changes (ie: your own GitHub repo? Maybe you should fork Formulize first before you do this). The monastery branch on GitHub is meant to remain a pristine copy of Formulize immediately post-install.
Making a new branch and going through the installer
- Checkout the master branch.
- Make a new branch based on master. This is important because you don’t want changes you make here being committed to the master branch.
- Start the Formulize Docker containers.
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and run the Formulize installer to setup your local Formulize development system.
- If you want to maintain a remote copy of the repository, consider where you want to push any changes (ie: your own GitHub repo? Maybe you should fork Formulize first before you do this).
Setting up a local development version of an existing website
- Checkout the monastery branch (not the master branch).
- Make a new branch based on monastery. This is important because you don’t want changes you make here being committed to the monastery branch.
- Delete any files you may have in the docker/mariadb/data/ folder, other than the .gitignore file. (These files will be the database from the last time you ran the monastery branch in Docker. You may want to save a back up of these files.)
- Download a dump of the entire database from the live website. Make sure it includes commands to create the tables. Make sure it is using the UTF-8 character set. Make sure it ends with a .sql extension.
- Place the database dump in the docker/mariadb/seed/ folder. Delete any other .sql file that already exists there.
- Open up the file trust/e039c9b9cb48ffecfbfd223af293d984.php and change the value of SDATA_DB_PREFIX and SDATA_DB_SALT to match the values sepecified in the trust path file from the live site. Note that the filename will be a different random set of characters on your live site.
- If your site uses any custom files or has made changes to core Formulize files, you need to download/recreate those files and changes in the repository.
- Start the Formulize Docker containers.
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and login with any username or password from the live site.
- If you want to maintain a remote copy of the repository, consider where you want to push any changes (ie: your own GitHub repo? Maybe you should fork Formulize first before you do this).