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deleteEntries( (int | array) $entry_ids )


Deletes an entry or entries in a form. Only works when called during POST requests. It will delete the associated ownership information for the entries, and also record the deletion in the deletion log if revision history is turned on for a form.


$entry_ids - an entry id or an array of entry ids

Return Values

Returns true if the entry or entries were deleted. Returns false if the deletion SQL query failed, including if it was called during a non-POST request. It will print out error messages to the screen if deleting ownership information failed, and/or if adding to the deletion log failed.


// delete entry 19 in form 6
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
// delete a series of entries in form 6
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
$entries = array(19, 20, 21);