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getElementValueInEntry( (int) $entry_id, (int | string | object) $element_identifier, (array) $scope_uids = array(), (array) $scope_group_ids = array() )


Returns the raw database value of a given element in a given entry. Can be limited in scope, so that it only returns values if the entry was created by a given set of users, or a by a given set of groups.


$entry_id - an entry id to query
$element_identifier - either an element id, an element handle, or a Formulize element object
$scope_uids - Optional. An array of user ids that should be used to limit the query
$scope_group_ids - Optional. An array of group ids that should be used to limit the query. Has no effect if $scope_uids are specified.

Return Values

Returns the raw value from the database stored in the given entry for the given form element. The raw database values may not be human-readable and/or may contain metadata, etc, depending on the element type.

Returns false if the query failed or if the element identifier is invalid, or if the query found no records in the database.


// get the value of the order_details element from entry 19 in form 6
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
$entry_id = 19;
$element_handle = "order_details";
$order_details = $dataHandler->getElementValueInEntry($entry_id, $element_handle);
// get the value of order_customer from entry 19 in form 6
// imagine order_customer is a linked selectbox pointing to the customer name in a customer form 
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
$entry_id = 19;
$element_handle = "order_customer";
$order_customer = $dataHandler->getElementValueInEntry($entry_id, $element_handle);

// $order_customer will be a foreign key, the entry id of a record in another form
// imagine the foreign key is entry id number 56 in the customer form
// this will display the number 56:

// convert the raw database value to a human readable value
$order_customer = prepValues($order_customer, $element_handle, $entry_id);

var_dump($order_customer); // $order_customer is now the name from entry 56 of the customer form 
// get the value of order_categories from entry 19 in form 6
// imagine order_categories is a checkbox series where multiple categories can be selected
// imagine the categories 'Rush Order' and 'Repeat Customer' are selected
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
$entry_id = 19;
$element_handle = "order_categories";
// order_categories will be a raw value containing all the categories selected
$order_categories = $dataHandler->getElementValueInEntry($entry_id, $element_handle);

var_dump($order_categories); // will display: *=+*:Rush Order*=+*:Repeat Customer

// convert the raw database value to a human readable value
// in this case it will return an array, since the raw value for a checkbox
// contains multiple individual selections
$order_categories = prepValues($order_categories, $element_handle, $entry_id);

var_dump($order_categories); // will display: array('Rush Order', 'Repeat Customer')