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getEntryMeta( (int) $entry_id, (bool) $updateCache = false )


Gets the metadata for a given entry: creation datetime, last modification datetime, creation user id, and last modification user id. The method caches the results to avoid repeated queries for the same data. The cache can be bypassed/updated through the $updateCache parameter.

Dates are easier to work with if you know the timezone name the server is located in, and then you can convert the dates to proper PHP DateTime objects.


$entry_id - an entry id to look for
$updateCache - Optional. if true then the internal cache of entry metadata is bypassed and updated

Return Values

Returns an array of the metadata, with keys 0, 1, 2, and 3 corresponding to the creation datetime, last modification datetime, creation user id, and last modification user id. The datetimes will be readable values in Y-m-d H:m:s format, ie: 2023-07-21 15:06:59

Note that the datetimes contain no timezone information, and will have been based on the timezone the database is set to use. Normally this would be the system time of the underlying operating system.

Returns false if the query failed.


// get metadata for entry 19 exist in form 6
$form_id = 6;
$dataHandler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
list($creation_datetime, $mod_datetime, $creation_uid, $mod_uid) = $dataHandler->getEntryMeta(19);

// convert the creation datetime to a PHP DateTime object, based on the timezone of the server
// (UTC in this example, your server may be different)
$creationDateTimeObject = new DateTime($creation_datetime, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));