Formulize has a lot of functions that you can use. The original code made hardly any use of classes and objects (the original Formulize was compatible with PHP 4). Therefore, some of the most fundamental operations were written in functions that could be called from anywhere, much like how some classes use static methods these days.
Almost all the functions are contained in the large file located at /modules/formulize/include/functions.php. The location of each function is shown on its documentation page.
To use any Formulize function, you simply have to make sure the file with the function has been included. Files should be included using include_once so there is no risk of errors due to redeclaring already declared functions.
// include the functions file
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/formulize/include/functions.php";
// formulize_writeEntry function - write a new entry to an activity log form
// (only works when the request method is POST, or forceUpdate is true)
$values = array(
"activity_name"=>"Birthday Party";
$entry_id = formulize_writeEntry($values, forceUpdate: true);
// getCurrentURL function - check the current URL for a particular string
if(strstr(getCurrentURL(), 'fid=6')) {
print "This page is displaying form 6";